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461 2nd Lotte World in Chamsil passed the construction examinati..

SpotlightBid battle among elevator companies was begun ¡¦ who will be winner?The winner will take advantage on high speed elevator market, keen bid expectedSeoul city announced that 'The 2nd Lotte World' would be located Sincheon-..
460 Korea Elevator Safety Institute¡¤AMB company, signed on MOU ..

SpotlightKorea Elevator Expo¡¦Base for gathering East Asia companies¡°Plan to host 100 elevator companies within 5 years¡± Korea Elevator Safety Institute(president Kim nam duk, hereunder refer to as KESI) signed MOU with AMB comp..
459 Hyundai elevator co., Ltd.¡¦Developed 1,080m/min, 600m/min s..

The name of world fastest elevator is 'THE EL'The maximum stroke is 600m, reaching 151 floors within 55 seconds9 phases motor auto-control, detecting floor gap technologies are applied Hyundai elevator made a big boff. They develo..
458 Mitsubishi elevator Korea held a press conference

Maximizing the role of manufacturing base of Mitsubishi globalThe market share 10%¡æ20%, second rank and igniting vision 2015 ¡°We prevent void of elevator industry in Korea through continuous manufacturing and cooperation with su..
457 Spotlight _ Nowtec company

Brand-named TM ¡¦ developed 'MR-H' seriesGearless PM upto 240m/min speed, riding,vibration and noise improvedElevator traction machine specialized Nowtec company(CEO Bak dong gi) developed traction machine for elevator 240m/min sp..
456 View finder _ Samjung tech co.,ltd., L&B tower¡¤Euro plaza s..

Customized design to secure comfort¡¤precision¡¦'Customer satisfaction'Turn table make parking process smooth The auto-parking market was pick between 1994 and 1996. But the market had been reduced from IMF periods and is expected..
455 Company _ Seo hyung industry

Developing practical products, show on market with price merit2 stages bicycle parking lots, simple structure¡¤easy to manage¡¦Double the space efficiency Environmental friendliness bicycle is booming these day and parking lots fo..