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489 Spotlight _ KETSI, carried out KOLAS training program for 'P..

Through maintaining compatibility of equipment, optimizing inspection qualityThe program strengthen an equipment manager abilityKorea Elevator  Safety and Technology Institute(president Lee geun chul, hereunder refer to as KE..
488 Event _ KESI¡¤Labour department of Vietnam, singed MoU on 'N..

100 year know-how on elevator ¡¦ transferring to VietnamOpening the gate of export for domestic companies100 year know-how on elevator will be transferred to VietnamKim nam duk, president of Korea Elevator Safety Institute(KESI), ..
487 Company _China Xizi UHC

With high quality, high technologies ¡¦'Settled on' Korea market as total elevator components manufacturerMake gearless machine, door operator aheadThe elevator parts professional company, Xizi UHC of China landed to a Korean mark..
486 Spotlight _ Tomato electronics

Bar code type parking ticket vendor¡¤parking gate, achieved GD markVarious processing methods¡¤curvature applied¡¦realizing environmental friendliness imageAfter industrial revolution, technology and quality are the index which sh..
485 Spotlight _ Seoul city, city managing parking lot, Green IT ..

"No need parking ticket" performance test of environmental friendliness parking systemAutomation of entrance/exit¡¤fee calculation ¡¦designating system provider by 3rd this month, build it until coming JulySeoul city held BMT(Benc..
484 Viewfinder _ Wiju tech co.,ltd.

Challenge on world market with Quality¡¤cost down¡¤continuous development of technology'G20 Seoul summit', installing 'Vehicle entrance and exit control system'Seoul G20 summit' where the eye and ear of the cosmopolite focused wer..
483 Hyundai elevator company

Spotlight _ Low carbon¡¤anti virus function builtin¡¦Showed healthy elevator 'eNos G' on the marketConsidering the characteristics of contamination through button, applied ¡®Touchless¡¯ type buttonThe key words of coming next year..