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¤ý°ÔÀç³â¿ù 2011-05
MOPAS, establishing lift safety DB

430,000 units lift in Korea¡¦on 'Safety list'
Searching information on lift manufacturing,
installation, accident history on the net

The highest lift accidents was marked in 2009 as 115 cases then the accidents were decreased but average response of 119 is seven thousand every year. It is urgently needed to take a safety measures for lifts accidents.
On this, MOPAS levy ID number for all lifts and record all history of lifts in Korea so that every person can search information on all lifts.
As a result, 430,000 units of lift in Korea are on the list with all it's own history.
Just input ID number of elevator, you can see the manufacturing and installation date, inspected date, accident history, rescue manual and so on.
MOPAS expected that the lift owner would pay more attention on their lifts by the exposure of lift information.
Especially, establishing lift safety DB can reveal illegal lifts without registration and easily regulate the lift bearing invalid inspection record.
Also, rescue manual and key type is easily checked.
At present, there is no map or location information on large buildings such as Incheon international airport(301 units), Lotte world(172 units) so it take many time to find pass to lift.
MOPAS plan to designate project holder soon then carry out pilot operation in Jongro ward in Seoul by the end of this year then extend it nation wide.
Related to these, the revision bill will be passed in parliament within the first half of this year.

Reporter _ J.H.Lee(jhlee@liftasia.com)

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