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¤ý°ÔÀç³â¿ù 2010-07
Mitsubishi elevator Korea held a press conference

Maximizing the role of manufacturing base of Mitsubishi global
The market share 10%¡æ20%, second rank and igniting vision 2015

¡°We prevent void of elevator industry in Korea through continuous manufacturing and cooperation with sub-contractors¡±, this is the foreword of Kim yong seung, new CEO of Korea Mitsubishi Elevator Company(hereunder refer to as Mitsubishi). Mitsubishi announced the policy of maximizing the role of manufacturing base of Mitsubishi global. Mitsubishi had a press conference last April 30 with new CEO. Korea Misubishi will follow the moto of Mitsubishi ¡®Quality In Motion¡¯ and focus on manufacturing high quality products with safety.

Growth with 3 major businesses
On the policy, Mitsubishi plan to focus on 3 major businesses categories such as ¢º new installation ¢º maintenance ¢ºModernization to make growth and extend export volume.
Mitsubishi Korea show outstanding growth in high speed elevator and market share after the foundation. Especially, Incheon factory is the only overseas factory that maintain the same quality level as that of Japanese factory. Also, developing and manufacturing high speed elevators.
Kim said ¡°High speed elevators(more than 240m/min speed) can be manufactured both Nagoya and Incheon factory among 12 Mitsubishi worldwide branches¡± and added ¡°Incheon employees were former LG one and they were trained by Mitsubishi company¡±.
Also said ¡°Most components for high speed elevators are manufactured in Korea, so export of high speed elevator can contribute to Korea elevator industry¡±. The profit of 1 high speed elevator is same as that of 4 middle speed elevators. Also, Mitsubishi target on second largest sales company in Korea and presented 'Vision 2015'.
Kim said ¡°Mitsubishi use 15~20% more expensive components than other manufacturers and more restrict maintenance policy make us hard in competition¡± and added ¡°But we don't have plan to replace these components to cheap one. We just localize these in Korea¡±. Mitsubishi plan to focus on the growth in Korea.

Localization, cost down¡¦gain competitive power
Now, Korea market is under the competition of low price and chinese making cheap components are selling these day. Decreased volume of market drive manufacturers to that competition for surviving and this might endanger safety of passengers. Kim said ¡°Japan headquarter require the same quality level in Mitsubishi Korea as they manufacture¡±and added ¡°The components used in Korea have tag bearing manufacturer, person in charge according to quality certification system¡±.
Mitsubishi trace stability based on high quality and product safety. They plan to be second largest sales company in Korea by 2015 with 20% market share. Meanwhile, renowned as high speed elevator Mitsubishi, they have first Korean CEO now and we expect his performance from now on.

Reporter _ E.S.Kang(eskang@liftasia.com)

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