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¤ý°ÔÀç³â¿ù 2010-07
View finder _ Samjung tech co.,ltd., L&B tower¡¤Euro plaza site

Customized design to secure comfort¡¤precision
¡¦'Customer satisfaction'

Turn table make parking process smooth

The auto-parking market was pick between 1994 and 1996. But the market had been reduced from IMF periods and is expected to be reduced for years from now on. In this situation, manufacturers related to auto-parking prepare the way to survive.
Among these, Samjung tech(CEO Choi jong wan) made a plan for this year, achieving 120 billions KRW order and 100 billions KRW sales. Samjung try to divert their business and expand export to meet the goal. Among this, Gang-nam L&B tower and Euro plaza building is model site of Samjung's customized design.

L&B tower, 'Cart parking'¡¦optional moving device
L&B tower, located on Teheran street in Gang-nam, Seoul, is 19 floors building with 4th underground and the area of building is 13,981§³. Parking lot can hold 71 cars composed of motorized parking lots(19 cars) in 1~2 floor and auto-parking lots(52 cars) in 4th underground.
In this building, 'cart parking(horizontal round trip type)' is installed and 2 carlifts with 2 courtesy cars make the parking lots run without problems. Considering the hill site of Teheran street, 3 exits are exit. One is on 1st floor and the others are on 2nd floors. The maximum speed of lift is 100m/min and it take 2~2.5 minutes to park or withdraw car.

Euro plaza, 'Eleparking'¡¦main model for remodeling
Inside of  Euro plaza, located in Sinsadong, Seoul, auto-parking system was replaced to Eleparking(elevator type) system. 15 years' old parking lots was changed to new, luxury and wide parking system can park large sedan.
Eleparking move cars to vertical way and park it to each side. It have low vibration and noise. 28 cars can be parked inside and it takes 1.5 minutes to park(or withdraw) car. Er yeon woo, chief of maintenance team of Samjung tech, said ¡°We left the mainframe as it was, and re-composed area to park long sedan¡±. On the other hands, Samjung tech improved trans-parking(sliding lift type) recently.

Quality and Safety assurance team, deny components without proof
Min jin hong, parking business team, said ¡°Before improvement, owner left key on the car and set neutral gear to use trans-parking¡± and added ¡°Now, we improved this point and ower can bring key¡±. Trans-parking is main product of Samjung with Eleparking and Cart-parking. Also, Samjung established 'Quality and Safety assurance team' to maintain best quality of products and approve the perfect installation through N.C.R.. Samjung also focus on export to middle asia, India, Russia, Vietnam, UAE and so on(For more information contact Samjung tech by phone +82-2-568-3942 / on the web www.samjungtech.com).

Reporter _ E.S.Kang(eskang@liftasia.com)

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