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¤ý°ÔÀç³â¿ù 2010-09
15th~18th December, '2010 Korea Elevator Expo' will be held

Be a place for sharing information¡®For next century of Korea elevator industry¡¯
Industry¡¤scholar¡¤Institute¡¤Association  signed on MOU on the cooperation for the expo

To celebrate the first century of  introduction of elevator in Korea, '2010 Korea Elevator Expo' will be held on COAX in Samsung-dong, Seoul, South Korea from 15th~18th December.
This is first elevator exhibition in Korea and more than 100 companies manufacturing elevator, escalator, auto control, rope, door and control panel, elevator control system, security facilities and so on are expected to join in. Also, most companies compete on elevator safety components such as governor, buffer, safety gear, landing doorlocking device and automobile parking lots, parking lot control system, solar powered elevator , high speed elevator that the companies show off their technologies.
The host, Korea Elevator Safety Institute(president  Kim nam duk, hereunder KESI), explained ¡°This exhibition can provide the place for sharing information on safety, technologies and system among participants, and comparing each nation's certification system¡±.
On this, last month 5th 'A century commemoration of elevator team' composed of elevator inspection institutes and related companies had a celebration of starting task on conference room of the 3rd floor of COEX building.

Registration by 29th October on KESI
The celebration was held by KESI and delegation from Ministry of Public Administration and security, Geo-chang ward office, Korea Elevator Safety and Technology Institute, Otis, ThyssenKrupp, Mitsubishi, Schindler, Korea Elevator Industry Cooperative Association, Korea Elevator Maintenance Cooperative Association, Korea Elevator Association, and Korea elevator college were participated. They cooperate for successfully hosting the exhibition, making job, awarding, publishing book for century history of elevator, under slogan of  ¡®For next centry of Korea elevator industry'. Also, they plan to run elevator history booth, biz-matching booth, new-technology booth, employing booth and maintenance booth.
In this day, Kim nam duk, president of KESI, said ¡°To secure safety of elevator, manufacturers shall have competitive power¡± and added ¡°We do best to make place for sharing information through seminar and the exhibition¡±.
On the other hands, these companies wish to join the exhibition shall submit application and tax registration certificate by mail or fax but not email.
The application form is on the website of the exhibition(liftexpo.co.kr) and homepage pf KESI(kesi.or.kr)(For more information contact KESI by phone +82-02-3497-7418).

Reporter _ J .H.Lee(jhlee@liftasia.com)

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